Fort William Newton Room

Fort William Newton Room

Find out about latest events and check availability here.

This was a fantastic trip with all pupils raving about it afterwards. Nick was fantastic with the kids, recognising some pupils with specific needs and adapting accordingly so they felt included, very rare in my experience of general school trips.
The Science Skills Academy Newton Room Opening In Caol, Fort William. 37

About the Fort William Newton Room

An inspirational space for learning how STEM subjects relate to the real work and opening up career possibilities for everyone.

This is a part-time facility open Monday to Wednesday and hosted at Caol Community Centre. Our catchment area includes Ardnamurchan High School, Kilchuimen Academy, Kinlochleven High School, Lochaber High School, Mallaig High School and their associated primary schools.

We've delivered a wide range of sessions since our opening in April 2019 and continue to welcome many happy pupils into this exciting space to discover how amazing STEM can be. 

Contact Fort William Newton Room

Book your visit

Nick Photo

Meet your SEO

Nick Sedgwick is our STEM Engagement Officer (SEO) in Fort William.  If you would like to book your class for a session at our Fort William Newton Room or just find out a bit more about the modules we deliver, email Nick at

Here is a bit of Nick's background...

"I grew up in the Highlands and love making the most of the fresh air and wide, open spaces that our region offers, whether it is running, cycling, walking or open-water swimming in our lochs, even in winter!  Through my dad's career in the world of healthcare in the NHS, I have found a keen interest in and an appreciation of our amazingly intricate human body. They are the perfect vehicles for enjoying what we have around us, here in the Highlands!

After leaving school and studying a Hospitality and Business degree at university, I decided to up anchor and head to France for some linguistic adventures, which sailed me towards fluency in French and Dutch, thanks to my job onboard 'les TGVs'!  After almost five years abroad, the 'pull' of the Highlands was too strong so I returned to continue my mini-career on the railways.  I have always loved working with and speaking to people and after almost a decade of railway-themed work adventures, I was drawn towards teaching and all its joys, interest and challenge.

Through teaching, the Newton Room project, part of the Science Skills Academy, popped up onto my radar and inspired me with its aims and ethos, especially having such positive roots in communities across the Highlands.  I value what it seeks to contribute toward the sustainability of life in the Highlands of Scotland and am really pleased that I can play my part promoting STEM-subject learning and skills development through our module delivery.   Helping every single pupil I meet to realise that they DO have skills and ARE able to develop new ones skills, which will benefit them in the future is highly satisfying and gets me out of bed in the morning!  It is an added bonus, too, if we can help to steer them towards futures that will enable them to grow and flourish in this amazing region, whilst we all build the strong, sustainable and positive Highland community of tomorrow!"

How to find us